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Birth Doulas

Are you a little worried about birth? Do you wish that you had constant support from the first moment that you knew you were pregnant? Hire a doula to walk with you on your journey. She will help you be familiar with the ins and outs of birth, plus help your husband be prepared and better able to support you.

Blissful Birth Doulas

Here's what you get when you hire a Blissful Birthing TN doula + Childbirth class:
  • Love, support, and wisdom from a trained doula
  • Beautiful birth manual covering comfort measures, birth, and newborn care
  • 1 or 2 Prenatal education visits
  • Access to childbirth education videos
  • In person childbirth education
  • Breastfeeding 101 virtual class
  • Birth plan writing
  • Connection to local resources
  • Rebozo teaching and a rebozo to use
  • Phone and email support while navigating pregnancy
  • Unlimited support while laboring at home and hospital 
  • Partner birth support training
  • Photography with our cell phone of your labor and birth as doula support allows
  • Breastfeeding assistance
  • 1 postpartum visit 
  • Parenting 101 class by Attachment Parenting
  • Postpartum Benkung Belly Binding Session   (optional add-on for $50)
  • Postpartum Success Session via Ready Nest Counseling (optional add-on for $150)
   A birth doula accompanies you during your birth to help ensure a satisfying birth experience.  She provides you and your partner with faith filled emotional /physical / informational support, help communicate your needs & wants to your birth attendants, and assist in providing you with education to aide in informed decisions about your birth.  
     She shares with you eye opening skills in rebozo, massage tips, relaxation and visualization techniques, suggestions for positioning including the birth ball, peanut ball, hot and cold packs, help with backache and back labor pain, music, acupressure, and other client specific needs. 
 As your doula, she is devoted to YOU, not your caregiver or hospital. Book a free consultation today!
***All of Bliss Birth Doulas are trained in Spinning Babies, Peanutball Skills, Labor Comfort Techniques, Partner skill training, breastfeeding, and more. 

$850 - $3500 based on experience of the doula


1. What are your fees?

Our rates are $850 to $3500 (based on doula experience) for education and support through pregnancy and birth. This includes prenatal education, partner training, our virtual childbirth class, our virtual breastfeeding class, birth planning, support in labor at home and in the hospital, breastfeeding support, and a postpartum visit. 


2. Does it cost different if I hire you in the first trimester verses right before birth?

No, the cost is the same. We will walk with you the whole time and work hard to educate you before birth. The earlier you hire us, the better because we have more time to plan your birth and talk about what is expected before each trimester.


3. How do I get a doula for my due date?

First, contact us for a consult and we will meet with you at a location of your choice. After that we will hold you due date for 10 days to give you time to decide. Contact us and tell us you want to hire us. After that it is two simple steps. 1-Fill out the form with our contract at the bottom of our page. 2-  Pay the $250 deposit via the invoice we will email you. This fee is a nonrefundable deposit and secures your birth on our calendar. The remainder of the birth doula fee is to be paid by the 36th week of pregnancy.


4. Do you support women planning a c-section?

Yes! Your doula will accompany you to hospital before and/or after your elective cesarean, and be present with you during the birth, as hospital policy allows, to provide support, information on what to expect, and assistance in making your cesarean birth a positive experience. She can remain with you while your partner goes with baby if baby must be taken out of the recovery room for medical purposes, help with initial breastfeeding, answer questions about speeding recovery from a cesarean, and let you know what to expect in the first few days afterward. In the case of an emergency Cesarean, support personnel are usually not permitted in the OR, your doula will be present with your partner to provide support during the surgery and will provide you the same support after the procedure.


5. Do you have a set amount of time you will support me at birth?

Not at all.  We can't control when, where, or how long your birth will take. We want to support you for as long as you need. 


6. Do you support moms who are having an epidural or other medications during labor?

Yes! We educate you on your options and then help you to have the support you need for the birth you want. We are trained in use of the rebozo and peanut ball to help you labor with or without medication. 


7. Are you comfortable praying with me in pregnancy or labor?

Yes! We love the Lord and His word. He is part of our life and who we are. We will pray with you silently or vocally. We also are comfortable reading scriptures or religious birth affirmations with you. 


8. Do you do any childbirth classes or postpartum prep instead of doula services?

Yes! We are happy to do either of those things, whether you are our birth client or not. We teach childbirth class for $200 for a 3 hour class. If you want postpartum prep, we do that too. It is a 4 hour visit to pack your hospital bag, meal prep, set up the nursery, etc. The cost of this service is $150. If you hire us for doula services, we teach you about childbirth and postpartum during your prenatal visits for no additional fee. You also have the option of hiring us for a childbirth class and then upgrading into birth doula services. 


9. What do doulas do? Are you a midwife?

We are not midwives and do not deliver babies. We support you with education and comfort techniques in labor, while the midwife takes care of the delivery of the baby. Doulas take care of you from the waist up and midwives do the medical care from the waist down.

Doulas do the following:

  • One or more prenatal visits as needed

  • Assistance in writing your birth plan.

  • Unlimited telephone and email support during pregnancy and for six weeks following your birth.

  • Providing resources and/or referrals.

  • Labor support at home, birthing center, or hospital 

  • One postpartum visit 

  • Prayer either silent or verbal. We are Christians who love to incorporate scriptures and prayers to support you.

Fill out the form below to get more info about hiring a doula

Birth Doula Contract
Hospital Bed

Birth Support Only

* Not and option for a first time mom.

Are you pregnant with your second or third child? Looking for a doula, but only want support during labor? We are happy to be your birth coach.


This is package includes: 

  • One 30 minute Birth Plan discussion via phone

  • unlimited text support during pregnancy

  • Doula support during labor & birth from an experienced doula


Cost: $1050




The Bliss Birth Doulas Team

Apprentice Doulas: $850

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Experienced Doulas: $1200

jessica brown

Seasoned Doulas: $1500


30 years Doula Experience: $3500
*A monthly massage is part of the package


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Doula holding laboring mom's hands
We have fun during labor!
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